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The Laetare Medal - Presentation. 

Introductory Address.* 

t HE pleasant task has fallen to 
my lot to open the proceedings 
this evening with a few words 

True Worth s Reward. 

VI 0 tropin' this by vain ambition won, 

No glittering blazon of an empty fame, 

No spurious mark of Flattery’s false acclaim, 

_ Nor badge of deeds in selfish striving done. 

HP °f explanatory preface and also This is the guerdon of a course well run, 

Jr to introduce the Very Reverend Fit token of a hTe ’ s cxaited aim; 

U r • A • , _ r Fair meed of toil in Charitv’s sweet name, 

V Andrew Morrissey, President of r . T1 . , ’ 

- 1 I lie crown ol vears lor Trutli and Right begun. 

the University’' of Notre Dame, Indiana, who 

is the bearer of the Laetare Medal which, Upon whose breast is laid this emblem rare, 

this vear, has been awarded to a highly- in Virtue’s ways has fixed. life’s daily plan; 

. . i ^ .1 v i • r -n , To Faith and Conscience loval; wearied ne’er 

esteemed Catholic business man of Boston, , T ~ 

' in ^sacrifice tor bod and lellow-man. 

Mr. Thomas B. Fitzpatrick. The Laetaie Such onlv may this joyous symbol wear, 

Medal is so called because the announcement To honor and to bless life’s waning span, 

of the selection is made on Laetare Sundays Michael J. Dwyer. 

on which day of Midlent the Church relieves 

the strain of the long penitential season by a more joyful liturgy 1 ;, organ music, and 
floral decorations of the altar. Perhaps the founders of this medal may have had also 
in mind the joy it would bring to the worthy recipient and his family and friends. 

Heretofore it has been conferred mostly', on Catholics of both sexes who had attained 
to some distinction in the learned professions or in the field of literature or the fine 
arts, such as , the historian, John Gilmary Shea, Doctor Thomas Addis Emmet,. Mrs. 
Anna H. Dorsey and the Hon. Charles J. Bonaparte. .More recently it has been 
thought well, occasionally at least, to confer this decoration on successful business men 
who, in addition to exemplifying the value of industry*, honesty’, skill and tlnift, have, 
by their character, lives, deeds of piety’ and charity’, deserved well of the Church and 
humanity. This is the class to which the recipient of this y’ear belongs. That he deserves 
this honor is .well known to y’ou all. I venture to make only’ one remark in this 
connection. Though conducting his mercan- distinguished and flourishing universities of 
tile concerns . on strict business principles, learning of the middle states, and no doubt 
the brightness of his success is not tarnished will place Mr. Fitzpatrick on a footing of 
by’ any of the unfair ' devices which are fraternity’ with the thousands of its alumni 
only too! common in modern commercialism who are found everywhere, in the United 
and financial 'manipulations. On behalf of States and even in Mexico and the republics 
the clergy I congratulate Mr. Fitzpatrick of South America.: If he ever becomes rich 
on his -good fortune; on being selected enough to found : a charitable institution, 
as one worthy to wear this ornament of endow a . college chair or make a large 
the high esteem he has won in this com- donation to the. Propagation of the Faith, 
munity and of his reputation for integrity .no body of trustees, college faculty’ or, board 
in business, and zeal and liberality in various J of bishops need have, any scruples of con- 
lines of charitable and religious work, which • science in accepting, it. / ; 

has extended at least over half this con- I have the pleasure of presenting 'Very 
tinentrrithat is, . to 'the University .’ of Notre Rev. 5 Andrew Morrissey, President j of the 
DameffinUthe State of Indiana. •.University’. of Notre Dame, Indiana: 

Although this honor carries with it no ? ^ Nr'~ . ' -v, 

academic! significance qr.^seal / of 4 scholastic A : ; : i 'f y -"5 'N J -A A A 

erudition, :;it: ris/coMerre^ oftfhe^^^P ’ AtNAL Vv 

*,Bv KgfitSReyerehdiWflliain''Byf5e,'.i). T).,A r . G.yati i -Jv ^-R • ~ ,histoi"y' of - the 

Hotel. Somerset, Boston, Thursday evening, jVla\' 25. ' ‘ Laetare . Aledal — — Notre * Dame’s supreme 
t Rev. Andrew Morrissey, President of Notre Dame. distinction .^annually’ . conferred- Upon : a con- 



spicuous member of the Catholic laity of 
America — recipients of the honor have stood 
for eminence in some specific field of litera- 
ture, science, or art; or for notable achieve- 
ment in the sphere of broad philanthropic 
effort. Without at all lowering the standard 
of excellence originally fixed as the minimum 
upon which, she would set the seal of her 
highest approval, our University turns this 
year to a field of human activity hitherto 
neglected in the bestowal of her Midlenten 
tribute, and chooses her medallist from the 
commercial world. Any one of the larger 
sorts of legitimate and honorable business 
is unquestionably, in our day, a vocation 
offering ample scope for the most varied 
intellectual powers, furnishing a splendid 
test of the righteousness that is based on 
religious motives, and exercising a wide- 
spread influence, beneficent or otherwise, 
throughout the community in which its 
functions are performed. Among hundreds 
of notable Catholics engaged in business 
in these United States, Notre Dame takes 
especial pleasure in signalizing one whose 
name is synonymous with spotless integrity, 
unblemished honor, and the highest sense of 
religious duty; a Catholic whose influence 
is uniformly exerted for the uplifting of 
younger neighbors and the betterment of 
his fellow-citizens generally; a benefactor 
whose hidden charities are largely in excess 
of what is credited to his public generosity; 
a faithfully, consistent son of the Church 
and a promoter of every religious work ; 
an illustrious representative, in short, of all 
that is worthiest in the ideal Catholic 
business man. It affords me unqualified 
pleasure, Air. Fitzpatrick, to salute you ; as 
the Laetare Medallist for 1905. 

* * 

Response of Recipient,, 


It is my first and most pleasing duty 
this evening to welcome the Right Reverend 
and Reverend Clergy, and the kind ladies 
and gentlemen of the laitv who honor, this * 
occasion with their presence. In this con- 
nection, I desire to express in an especial 
manner mv sense of deep obligation to our 
venerable Archbishop, who is so worthity 
represented here by the Right Reverend 
Monsignor William Byrne. I greet the rep- 

resentative of His Grace, not only on 
account of his official capacity, but also 
in consideration of his own splendid 
personality. . I 

To the distinguished President of the 
University of Notre Dame, the Very Reverend. 
Andrew Morrissey, I bid most cordial wel- 
come, and beg him to accept for' himself 
and those of his friends who are here 
to-night the assurance of our deep-set and 
tenderest regard. . . 

I know something of the long distances 
they have travelled, and the inconveniences- 
they have incurred so as to be with us - at 
this time, and I regret that all I can offer 
in return for these - signal favors is- the' 
tribute of a grateful heart. '-/V s -.’ 

The atmosphere of this room is made 
additionally joyous by the presence of so 
many of my kind friends of the clergy and 
laity who live in this vicinity, and whose 
courtesy in attending this presentation -is 
but one of the many generous testimonies 
of regard I have received at their hands. 
Especially gratified would I be, were I 
permitted to make personal acknowledgment 
here to those whose kindly sendees have so 
often been enlisted in mv favor, and notablv 
in this instance. They will be -good enough, 
I feel sure, to accept the will for the deed. 

As the recipient of the Laetare Medal 
conferred by the University of Notre Dame, 
and formalty presented to me through its 
honored President, I'beg leave to say that 
no words at my command can adequately 
express my sense of appreciation for this 
great honor, or do justice to the sentiments 
which my heart bids, me speak. . - 

Shall I, therefore, be silent and depend 
upon the charity and intuition of the learned 
President and Faculty of the University 
to read my. thoughts and -anticipate the 
words of thankfulness I would fain utter? 
No. I must trespass- by briefly' defining 
my position. The cohsciousness that mo 
merits of mine in the past deserve such a 
distinction, is only equalled by what T trusty 
is a pardonable fear of my inability , to 
measure tip to its requirements in the future: 
But I must not appropriate this corny; 
pliment to myself personalty. Its presW 
entation has a more comprehensive meaning/ / 
and in this respect happily lessens • my - 
embarrassment. . - - - . • yV y- 



I feel safe in interpreting the action of the 
University as desiring to show its kindly 
solicitude towards the commercial sphere, 
and its disposition to dignify it with the 
seal of its approbation. In the presentation 
just made, I regard myself simpfy as the 
incident through which this expression of 
good will is betokened to thousands of 
business men evervwliere, and to the varied 
fields of usefulness in which they are 

In their name, and in my own, I thank 
with all my heart the President and his 
associates for this generous consideration, 
and for the magnificent compliment ex- 
pressed in the presentation of this superb 

The value of this compliment, to whom- 
soever granted, can best be understood by a 
knowledge of the significance of the Laetare 
Medal, and the intent of its promoters. 
Reference to its character in this respect has 
been ably presented in the remarks of Right 
Reverend Monsignor Byrne and the Very 
Reverend President of the University. A brief 
outline of , its original purpose is also printed 
in the souvenir. I need not therefore repeat 
its meaning. 

The Universitv of Notre Dame in its mag- 
nificent spirit of liberality and democracy is 
not content to award its degrees to scholar, 
teacher and scientist, and its Laetare Medal 
to eminent men in the arts and professions ; 
it looks out over, the broad fields of human 
endeavor, arid recognizes on every side vast 
armies of workers in industrial and com- 
mercial pursuits. It sees smoke issuing from 
the tall chimneys of ten thousand workshops, 
and listens to the hum of busy looms and 
countless , spindles, giving employment to 
millions of men and women. It measures 
the capacity of immense storehouses in our 
cities, and observes that these are the repos- 
itories and trading marts for the products 
of land and sea, for mine/ and manufactory. 

It takes note of the millions and tens of 
millions of deposits fin our banks, and the 
countless wealth represented in . municipal, 
state, railroad, and other corporate securi- 
ties. .It sees the land covered with a network 
pfr ail ways, and the;, oceanwhite with sail, 
bringing states ; and nations '/into /. closer 
relationship, through a constantly increasing 
, system of commercial intercourse. fy, ; y 


The great Universitv is not unmindful of 
the meaning of this spectacle. It recognizes 
in it the fact that this is the great 
mercantile age, and that the business man 
is a responsible factor back of these mighty 
forces of industry'-, organizing, directing, and 
controlling them. 

The happiness of millions of workers 
depends upon the character and quality of 
this control. Is it healthy or otherwise? It 
is healthy when the application of technical 
business knowledge and the use of capital are 
directed by an intelligent conscience,- and a 
sense of moral responsibility on the part of 
the business man in his dealings with others. 
It is unhealthy, • irrespective of the amount 
of moneys made in a commercial enter- 
prise, when the conscience of the operator 
is silent, and his regard for this moral 
responsibility' is ignored. 

Far-reaching are the injurious effects of 
such an abnormal system. As a insult of 
greed for wealth, regardless of the means 
employed in obtaining it, the individual 
worker is impoverished, the home is robbed 
of its rights, society- is disintegrated, and 
the safety of the state is imperilled. 

Well might such a condition suggest the 
immortal lines of Goldsmith: 

111 fares the land, to hastening ills a prey/ 

Where wealth accumulates and men decay'. 

Wealth is surely, accumulated- to-day r in 
this glorious land of ours, and centering, 
perhaps,, in fewer hands than the judgihent 
of conservative men would favor; but yet, 
thank God, we are happify free from the 
appalling spectacle of the decadence of men. 

The great agencies upon which we must 
depend to preserve our men from decay, and 
our government from- becoming demoralized, 
are the Church, the School, the College, and 
the University. These are the luminaries 
through which the gospel of Christianity is 
diffused and civilization . promoted. 

If it is true that commercialism is the 
most pronounced ; characteristic of our day 
and . generation, it fis incumbent on the part 
of Church and School and University, to 
guide, restrain and dignify it, through their 
healthful teaching, arid beneficent influence. 

That this is the part taken by the Catholic 
Church s and Catholic college no one conver- 
sant; with their mission and teaching will 
deny. . Our catechism has taught us that, 




among other marks of divine authority, the 
Church is universal. It adapts itself to all 
ages, and climes, and conditions of men. 

The ministrations of its clergy and schools 
and universities are applied with equal zeal 
and devotion in the interests of laborer, 
mechanic, business man and those .engaged 
in professional life. 

Exemplifying this principle, the University 
of Notre Dame magnanimously extends its 
courtesy and encouragement not to me, as 
I said before, but, in a grander and broader 
sense, to the business calling that I so 
imperfectly represent. 

I am pleased, Very Reverend President, 
to accept it in this spirit, and thus under- 
standing' its representative character, again 
respectfully repeat not only my own obli- 
gations to you and the faculty, but -feel 
warranted in bespeaking the cordial thanks 
and lasting appreciation of business men 
throughout the country for your generous 
compliment to commercial pursuit. 

May the great institution of learning 
over which you preside long continue its 
ministrations for the good of religion, 
home' and society, and may the name of the 
University'- of Notre Dame become more and 
more a household word in its sublime mis- 
sion of serving the glory of God, the purity 
and enlightenment of the individual, a 
constant inspiration to patriotic American 
citizenship, and a tower of strength to the 
state and* to the nation! 


* * ' 

Address on Behalf of the Laity. ~ 

The ceremony which we have just wit- 
nessed is worthy of our best thought and 
meditation. .It shows us the act of a great 
university, established for the education of 
voung men on Christian lines to the end 
that they may become citizens of the best 
type, going still further in its beneficence 
and reaching out into the ranks of manhood, 
to indicate by the stamp of its approval 
the quality of citizenship that should form 
the truly Christian nation. . . 

The University'- of Notre Dame says in 
- effect to its hundreds of students and to the 
. outside world : “ The prime object of our 
endeavor is. to turn out for the glory of God 

* By Patrick J. Timmins, M: D, - • i- 


and the welfare of society men with the 
qualities of heart, mind and soul like unto 
those we are pleased to honor with our 
capital prize — the Laetare Medal. 

Refreshing as the green spot in the- desert 
is. this yearly placing before our eyes of a 
proper sample of humanity'. For too many, 
even among professors of Christianity', are 
navigating life’s ocean by the guidance of 
a purely pagan chart. The Father of Chris- 
tendom has found it necessary to speak out 
and warn the faithful concerning “the pre- 
vailing ignorance about divine things,” in 
consequence of which it happens that many 
men are not eating bread in the sweat of 
their own brows, as the Lord commanded, 
but in the sweat of other men’s brows, and 
that hard taskmasters, not satisfied -with 
robbing the masses of a large portion of 
their earthly 1 - goods, are leaving them little 
time to think of the truths necessary' for 

How timely 1 ' it is then for those who are 
on the lookout, and whose calling is that 
of teaching, to turn their attention to the 
field of commercial activity where, such sins 
are most seen, and to point out the workers 
therein whose example it is safe to follow. 
This, I take it, is the meaning that underlies 
the present bestowal of the Laetare Medal. 
The University of Notre Dame is entitled to 
the highest credit for creating such a badge 
of honor, an honor which is exceptional in 
this respect: that it always seeks the man. 
instead of the man seeking it. So much for 
the donor of the medal, which we may 
rightly' praise for establishing this signal 
reward of merit. ; 

It is a more . delicate matter to speak of 
the recipient of this honor in his presence. 
Even if it were in my' power to give 
adequate expression to the friendly' senti- 
ments entertained for hiin by his clerical 
and secular friends, a mere moiety of whom 
are represented here, I should only wound 
his sensibilities by r doing so. I- can not, 
however, stifle the spirit which struggles 
within this breast to say that it has always 
felt itself elevated, purified, and rejoiced by 
contact until our friend who Is honored 
to-night. - 

Most people draw their comparisons from 
their ownVfield of labor, and taking advan- 
tage of mine I will venture to expressfyonr 



judgment as well as my own in tliis way : — 
We recognize in our friend, Mr. Fitzpatrick, 
not only a distinguished specialist in some 
of the Christian virtues, but a good general 
practitioner in all of them. No one who 
knows him will say' that he is not fully'' tip 
to the standard of the Laetare Medal. May- 
God continue to enable him to maintain 
this high level. So far as merely' earthly- 
incentives should aid him, he must reflect 
that he is now more than ever a marked 
man, destined to illustrate the adage — 
Noblesse oblige. It will be harder for him 
to do wrong* in the future. Indeed, I have 
heard one sinner commiserate him on being 
thus inhumanly’* bound to monotonous 
rectitude. -This will entail no hardship in his 
case, because, to perpetrate an Iiibernicism, 
it is easy to put off habits that have never 
been put on. 

No one I think fears that this honor will 
spoil him. If anyone for a moment thought 
of such a thing there was time enough for 
that one to lodge an objection since the 
publication of the bans over a month ago. 
As no protest has been raised it iS fair 
to conclude that to-night’s > nuptials are 
universally approved. 

The word “nuptials” reminds me that a 
married man shares his honors with his' 
wife, as well as transmits them to his 
children. And it is only just that she who 
is to be constant in his ills should be joyous 
in his joys. Not only’ does the wife share 
her husband’s honors, but the ideal wife 
helps him to win them. Conscious of this 
fact, and looking so many* of her ' fair sex 
in the face, I feel bound to say that we are 
to no small extent indebted to her whom 
chivalry calls his better-half for being 
to-night the happy guests of our honored 
friend, — Thomas Bernard Fitzpatrick. 

We shall soon have the opportunity’- of 
tendering him our .individual congratula- 
tions ; but before we do so, I may be 
permitted to express the prayer that is in 
all our hearts : that God may’ be pleased to 

The Rise of the Flood. 


Although I had never been put to a severe 
test, as a young man I had always felt that 
I was as strong of nerve, or at least no 
bigger coward than the average run of 
men. But just as I reached my majority’ 
I met with an adventure that, I believe, 
shortened my- life fully’ a decade. Even now, 
after these many’ years, I can not think of 
that night without a shudder of dread and 
terror. It is well known that the fear 
induced by’ imagination, uncertainty’ and 
suspense is the most severe; and tliat the 
intensity’ of our perception is augmented by’ 
the facilitation and attention • with which 
we receive them. These facts, coupled with 
a nervous temperament, nearly’ proved my 
undoing one night in my’ early’ manhood. 

I had an uncle, my’ mother’s brother, who 
though not mentally deranged displayed 
such strange actions and eccentricities that 
I, as a boy’, had al way’s felt an uncanny’ 
and mortal dread of the man. When I grew 
older, I learned that he had been accused 
of murdering his y’oungest sister, though 
the charge was never proven. Many’ other 
manifestations and tales of his “queerness” 
served only’ to increase the aversion so 
strongly’ acquired during childhood. 

When I was still yroung he went to the 
Orient, and after a long lapse of ten years 
-returned to his old home with an immense- 
fortune which he had amassed in the East. 
He at once built a magnificent house, set 
up a grand establishment, and settled down 
to enjoy’ life. 

With age came wisdom to me; and, as I 
wished to ingratiate my’self in the favor of 
my rich uncle, I calmed the fears of my’ youth 
and began to cultivate his friendship. I had 
never visited, the new mansion, so when I 
received an invitation to spend a week there, 
it was with great expectations, yet with 
misgivings, that I accepted. My 
had always feared my’ uncle 
since the murder incident, dreaded to have 
me go, and before parting had by’ her worry- 
ing worked me into a nervous and excitable 

condition, y: .: y A 

-J-.-.did.' not . reach my uncle’s place until 

prolong to a ripe old . age the years of ; our some 
friend, and keep him to the last what he mother whc 
appears to our eyes — a fine . type of the 

Catholic gentleman. 

: One never th or ouglily realizes his mortality 

Spalding. \ v 

, so long as his mother.lives 



about ten at night. My mother’s suspicions 
of my uncle’s intentions and my own foolish 
fears had wrought me into a high state of 
mental disorder. It was with a strong 
premonition of an impending evil that I 
arrived at the house. In short, I felt that 
my uncle wished to murder me ; yet strange 
as it may seem, I never thought of turning 
back to my home. 

The house appeared foreboding and gloomy 
as I drove up to the door. My uncle greeted 
me in person with a hearty 'welcome. 

“Things are going wrong to-day’. I hope 
y r ou are not responsible for it all,” said he. 

I deposited my baggage and then as he 
led me through the halls and rooms, which 
were dark, he said, by way T of explanation: 

“A wire burned out a few minutes ago 
and there’s onlv one candle, our sole light. 
So I think the best thing we can all do is 
to turn. in. — And by the way, Ed, a couple 
of bankers came over late this afternoon 
and the\ r have the spare rooms; but I 
have had a place fixed for you to-night, and 
to-morrow you can go to your own room. 
We can talk over family affairs and other 
news then. I’m sorry’-, but I shall have to 
take you to your room in the dark unless 
you have a lighting plant with you. Follow 
me; your luggage is up there already. 

My uncle seemed so pleasant that my r 
foolish fears were calmed for the moment, 
and I felt that I would have an agreeable 
visit, despite the first night’s inconveniences. 

He led me up a flight of stairs to a landing, 
opened a door and led me down another 
shorter flight. Neither of us had matches but 
we could feel and soon distinguish objects 
in the gloom. Stating that I would be all 
right till morning, my uncle left me. I 
undressed and retired. As I was doing so 
I felt the wall. It was lined with tile. The 
floor although covered with rugs was tile 
also. My foolish fit of terror again seized 
me. However, I tried to console myself with 
the thought that no foul play' would befall 
me while those bankers were in tlie house. 
In a short time then I fell into a sleep 
broken by fitful dreams. 

I awoke suddenly with a cold sensation 
in my back. As I gradually came to con- 
sciousness I stuck my r hand over the edge of 
the bed and it plunged into water. Instantly 
I was awake and sitting up in bed. As I 

listened I could hear the gurgling, and could 
feel the water rising over the bed. I was 
right in my suspicions. The strange tile- 
lined room, the absence of light, the fiction 
of the bankers — all was a dastardly plot to 
drown me. 

I at once began to think of getting out 
of this tank, for I could not swim, and 
already’- the water was rising fast. Stepping 
off the bed into lukewarm water (probably' 
at that temperature to lessen the chances 
of awakening me) I started towards what 
I thought was the stairs and door. At 
least if I was locked in I could stand on the 
stairs and if the door was not waterproof I 
could thus escape drowning. I came to the 
wall and began to feel along it as. a guide 
to the door. As I progressed around the 
edge of the room I suddenly crashed my' head 
against some object. Stunned, I sank to the . 
floor, but the water on my r face revived me. 
More cautiously^ I again started my journey 
around the. room. I counted four walls and 
came to no steps. Had they been removed ? 

My terror increased as I saw each detail of 
the murderous plot worked out. The water 
was now neck deep and as one knows, who 
is unaccustomed to water at that depth, 
it is no easy': matter to keep balanced. I 
might have crept back to the bed and stood 
on it till help of some kind came, but I did 
not know the. location of this haven of 
safe tv, and I was afraid to. leave the wall 
to hunt for it. . I was lost in my own room. 

I was fast becoming weaker. The water 
began lapping at my chin ; I felt that T must 
sink in a moment— rather a quick final 
plunge than this eternal creeping of ’ the 
water over my face. Words can not describe 
my feelings. The realization that I was being 
murdered seemed to rob me of my strength, 
and to pull me- down, into the water. 

I had almost lost consciousness when I 
heard a door open. I gasped out a cry. I 
heard a splash; some one seized me, dragged 
me up the stairs and out onto the landing. 
Help was brought and I was soon revived. 

Next morning I investigated my strange 
experience without mentioning my suspicions 
to anyone. These suspicions turned out to 
be false, for all was true about the lights 
and the visiting bankers. Pressed for room 
my .uncle had: fixed me a bed in his swim- 
ming-pool., One of the servants, ignorant of 

54 ° 


my presence, wishing to take a plunge had 
turned on the water which nearly- resulted 
in my death. It was this servant’s arrival 
at a most fortunate time that had saved 
me. My inability to find the steps I 
explained that I must have turned back in 
my journey around the room after I had 
bumped my head, and in that way failed to 
make a complete circuit. 

I . soon grew to know and like my uncle 
very much. Now whenever anyone boasts 
of nerve I remain silent, for I have been 
tried; but I never let my imagination run 
away with me as it did on that almost 
fatal night. 

Cupid's Power. 

(Anacreon. Ode 31.) 

'Twas midnight when the sullen bear 
Rolled down to meet Arcturus fair, 

And weary mortals lulled to sleep, 

Buried ' their cares in slumbers deep. 

An infant at that midnight hour 
Came sobbing to my silent bower, 

Came to me shivering, and wept 
While all the world in silence slept. 

“And who are you?” I softly' said 
When all my midnight dreams had fled. 

“0 master, open, it is I,” 

I heard an infaut voice reply'; 

“I wander through the lonely' night, 

The clouds have hid the moon from sight, 
And all is wet and cold and drear. 

0 master, open; do not fear.” 

And when I heard these words . I rose; 
Trimm’d nry low lamp, and donn’d my clothes, 
Opened my' cottage door, and lo ! 

An infant entered with a bow. 

’Twas Love; I knew him. by; his quiver. 

The midnight breezes made, him shiver. 

1 placed him near the dying flame 

. And warmed his hands, and feet, and ; frame, 

• And pressed the water from his hair,' 

Half frozen by' the frosty air ; ’ 

And when the; embers’ soothing ray'. , 

Had put all cares and;- fears away', ... 
“Come,” said he, “let. me try my bow; 

I fear my' arrow wall not go, ... 

For d, have wandered through the gale' 

. . Until niy' bow is stiff with '.bail.’’ - ’ 

- He drew tiis bow, and swift; The dart - > " 
.- ' _ Came flying to ; my .very heart; 'V. . . 

- - , ;The. prick was.sliarp, keen .was the pain, 

And Cupid wandered. off’ again. : ; . - 

“Farew r ell, my friend,” I heard him sayy 
= “ , As .joyftilly he wdnged his way ; ; ‘ Aw.-y' - 

. “The raih-has not relax’d !my bow r , L A” 

, Nor -do; my aiyoyvs.;i±ayH'::sl6w'; yyy-y; f ... 
; . ' c This,' thou; thy .heart. ; . 

. : Wherein is planted Cupid’s dart,” T. E. B. 

Decoration Day Address. 


Rev. Fathers, Comrades, young gentlemen, 
and friends: — More profoundly than for 
many winged y'ears does the pathos of our 
Memorial Day 7 " exercises appeal to me as 
I look aniong this gathered remnant of 
cherished .comrades, and scan the faces of 
well -loved friends of Notre Dame to search 
in vain for the face of him to whom I 
listened with affectionate pride (it seems 
as though but yesterday), while he "recited 
’‘Lincoln’s Address at Getty' sburg” as part 
of your memorial exercises but six short 
3 'ears ago; and in this community of sor- 
rowful reminiscences I am brought to realize 
more keenly the great multitude of vacant 
places in our ranks where only' a day' gone 
by', as it were, there marched with touch 
of elbow a gallant comrade. . And as I close 
mine ey'es visions of the swift approaching 
3 'ears warn me of the departing day'. Voices 
of the night chant solemn requiem for the 
passing boy' in blue, and dreams reminiscent 
of tender melodies thrill my' heart-strings 
as come again the soft low voices of the 
past with childhood’s song and hymn that 
fade away to final voice in the inimitable 
love song to our “Captain King:” 

Abide with- me, fast falls, the even tide, 

The darkness, deepens, Lord, with me abide. 

• -• • • - • • 

Swift to the close ebbs out life’s day, 

Earth’s joy r ’s grow dim, its glories fade away'. 

To save the nation there .went forth from 
the Northern States, 2, 77S, 304 - soldiers: 
56,000 were killed in battle; 35,000 wounded 
died in hospitals; lS4, 000 from disease. 
Nearly 300,000 in all laid down their lives 
that you of the present generation might 
possess the land. ' 

It was Wellington himself— the great 
“Iron Duke” — who said : “That the contem- 
plation ; of a battlefield was sufficient to 
inspire the wish that, never would there be 
a war.” And you who have been of it and 
in it can echo his words. ) 

How came the Union soldier to be called 
the “ Boy in Blue ? ”. Of the nearly' 3,000,000 
enlisted for the Union, 1,151,436 were IS 
f years’ and under— of 24 boys of lS years 


and under to every man of 25 years and 
over; stalwart, strenuous boys who became 
grim fighting men, impetuous and irresistible, 
shaped in the fiery forge of the God of War. 
And as I look on the fresh and ruddy faces 
of these boys around me my heart leaps 
within me in prophecy that no nation can 
overcome us while you remember the Boys 
in Blue whom you are here to-dav to honor. 

In the twelve months just tom from the 
calendar of } r ears almost fort}' -five thousand 
survivors of the Civil War have joined their 
regiments after life’s brief furlough ; and as 
I ponder on the vast army of our some- 
time comrades who have taken their places 
in the shadowy battalions — whose camp is 
spread along the further shore of the 
Ultimate River — from out the silent space 
thei'e comes the faint, mellow bugle call — 
“Put out . your lights; good night; good 
night!” — to tell the nation of the passing 
of the last of her bor^s in blue. 

Rome has its Pantheon in which is buried 
its heroes ; Paris has its Hotel des Invalides, 
and London her Westminster Abbey; but 
America has erected a Pantheon wherein the 
tablets are the hearts of the people, whose 
dome is the blue sky above the broad land, 
whose walls are lapped by the waters of the 
Occident and the Orient, and within whose 
confines are spread the fertile fields and 
broad acres, where rise the humble mounds 
that mark ’ her heroes’ resting-places, made 
fragrant and beautiful with flowers and 
wreaths by myriads of her people, gathered 
in multitudes of places to-daY r . 

The Master, too, has covered with ' his 
grass and blossoms, and made brilliant 
with the verdure of summer, the crimson 
spots that some time stained the land ; and 
beneath peaceful skies the Blue and the Gray 
at last unvexed by strife, have passed the 
green threshold of the common grave, 
whither all footsteps tend, whence, none 
depart: , • 

. 0 sun, that wakened all to bliss or pain, 

0 moon, that lavest all to sleep again. 

Shine- sweetly, softly, where they rest! 

They fought, not for fame or glory' or 
king or potentate, but for belief and principle, 
as- location and surrounding .had shaped 
their views. To us in the providence of God 
was given at : last the victory, so that , all 
men who should gather beneath the folds . 

of our Starry banner, should have equal 
rights and equal liberty to earn a livelihood 
without the whip of the master to drive \ 
him, or the ban of the mob to terrorize him. 

As our most estimable and revered ... 
comrade, Archbishop Ireland, has said : 
“The Republic of America was a supreme 
act of confidence in man, a confession, such ' 
as never before had been heard, of human 
dignity and human ability. And never was 
the republic so strong in all the elements ’ 
of life, so entrancing- in beauty, so menacing 
to all the foes of democracy, as when the 
setting sun of Appomattox shone on her 
banner and revealed upon its azure field the 
presence of the full galaxy of its stars.” 

It is with justifiable pride then that we, 
who contributed to the ~ victories of that 
republic, set aside a day in each year that its 
memories may be revived and its glories be - 
recited in honor of those who have passed 
from amongst our ranks. Ours was indeed 
an army of the republic. It was no praeto- 
rian band, but the people in arms and in a 
righteous cause; and because of this when 
its appointed work was ’ accomplished the 
veteran of yesterday’s battles was impatient 
to exchange the sword once more for the 
plowshare and the bayonet for the pruning 
hook. • 

The character of our soldiers illustrates 
most strikingly the difference between our 
militarism and that of other days ’•= and 
continents. At their country’s call they left 
partisan zeal, business absorption, and. the -i. - 
comforts of home to fight for the American 
idea of citizenship, freedom, and humanity. 

In the heart of the fiery furnace of that four, 
years’ Civil War; New England andAVestem, 

Celt and Teuton, Scandinavian and Slav, , / 
were fused in a new amalgam never again . 
to be , dissolved. . . 

No such army was ever organized in any ’ 
land. T hej- were men of reading and thought, 
almost tmiversally, and every bullet they., 
fired was backed by an intelligent idea. 
Freedom, justice, and humanity, was that 
idea, and it was gained before the i war 
commenced by discussion on the farm and 
in the workshop ; and that discussion was 
continued everywhere until every man knew: : 
exactly why he was fighting, and what he ; 
was fighting for ; and from that discussion 
(Continued on page 545:) 

■ i ' i 


Notre Dame Scholastic 

Published every Saturday during T erm Time at the 

University of Notre Dame. 

Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office. Notre Dame. Ind. 

Terms: SJ-50 per Annum. Postpaid. 

Notre Dame, Indiana. 

Notre Dame, Indiana, June 3, 1905. 

Board of Editors. 






Graduates’ Day at St. Mary’s. 

Members of the Class of 1905, at our sister 
institution on the bank of the St. Joseph, 
have doubtless felicitated themselves and 
been congratulated by their friends on the 
fact that their graduation synchronizes with 
the Golden Jubilee of their Alma Mater. Not 
less cordially, however, is St. Mary’s to be 
congratulated on having, at this epoch-mak- 
ing date, a graduating class so accomplished 
and so thoroughly representative of all that 
is best in the higher education of woman. 

The consummate flower of perfect maiden- 
hood, the “ queen rose of the rosebud garden 
of girls,” is undoubtedly, in this twentieth 
century, the typical convent pupil ; and those 
who were privileged to enjoy, on Sunday 
last, the brilliant and symmetrical pro- 
gramme of Graduates’ Dav at St. Marv’s 
will be loath to believe that there can be 
found anywkhere a more efficient or more suc- 
cessful staff of gardeners than the. Sisters of 
the Holy Cross. Paraphrasing the statement 
of Dr, Boteler whom Izaak Walton quotes, 

‘ ‘ Doubtless ; God could have made a better 
berry, than the : strawberry, -but , doubtless 
God never did,”- we are inclined to affirm : 
that while the blessing of .Providence supple- 
mented ^Creligious; devotedness, thprough 

scholarship, and notable executive* ability 
could possibly have built up a better high- 
class educational institution than St. Mary’s 
Acadenrv, it certainly, in this country at 
least, has never done so. 

We have no intention of commenting on 
the individual excellences of the programme 
presented. Of the musical numbers, indeed, 
airy criticism we could write would perforce 
consist of glittering generalities. If, however, 
the vocal and instrumental selections that 
charmed the audience were artistically on a 
par with the essays and poems, in judging 
which we felt more at home, then the singers 
and players are exceptionally gifted and 
skilful. For the essays and poems were, of 
distinctly superior merit, and several of 
them would assuredlv- attract attention 
even if delivered as post-graduate work in 
the most noted of our American universities. 
These young ladies of the Class of 1905 have 
beyond all question acquired the capacity to 
form definite ideas and sound judgments, to 
deduce conclusions logically from premises, 
to weigh evidence and estimate the value 
of proof, as well as to clothe their thought 
in fitting words and increase its effectiveness 
by a lucid, chaste, and individual style. Their 
papers furnished superabundant proof that 
the}' have been taught “to think and to 
reason and to compare and to discriminate 
and to analyze,” have during their under- 
graduate course refined their taste, formed 
their judgment, and sharpened their mental 
vision until at present they have become not 
merely cleverly instructed, but well-educated 
and highly-cultured young women. Listening 
to them on Sunday afternoon, one felt 
prompted to add a couplet to Wordsworth’s 
quatrain, and characterize each as 

-‘A perfect woman nobly - planned, 

To warn, to .comfort, and command, . 

, And vet a spirit still and bright 

With something of an angel light” — 

To gleam for are a lustrous gem 
In fair St. Mary’s diadem. * 

— This week we had the honor and pleasure 
of entertaining the Rt.. Rev. Bishop of Fort 
W ay ne . : Bishop . Alerd ing came to administer 
the Sacrament of Confirmation on Ascension 
Thursday. Lack of space prevents us doing ; 
full justice to tlie ceremonies, until next issue. 



Formal Presentation of Laetare Medal. 

“The most distinguished gathering ever 
held in this city,” is wliat the Boston Pilot 
styles the brilliant crowd of over five 
hundred representative prominent men and 
women who had come from far and near 
in order to attend the presentation of the 
Laetare Medal to Mr. Thomas B. Fitzpatrick, 
Notre Dame’s choice for 1905. As befitted 
the occasion the grand ball-room of. the 
Hotel Somerset, the scene of the impressive 
ceremonies of Thursday evening, May . 25, 
was elaborately decorated, and a select 
orchestra in the balcony enlivened with 
choice music the time spent in waiting for 
the arrival of the guests. 

Precisely at nine o’clock Mr. Fitzpatrick 
and the other principal figures of . the evening 
appeared upon the stage, and the exercises 
were forthwith opened by Rt. Rev. William 
Byrne, Vicar -General of the archdiocese of 
Boston, who, as acting representative of 
Archbishop Williams, presided over the 

After a brief address in which he explained 
the character and meaning of the Laetare 
Medal, and congratulated the recipient of- 
such a signal honor, Mgr. Byrne introduced 
the -Very Rev. Andrew Morrissey, President 
of Notre Dame,- who had come to represent 
the Faculty of that institution. 

Before pinning the medal on the breast 
of Mr. Fitzpatrick, Rev. President Morrissey 
paid him a glowing tribute in -words of 
unfeigned cordiality and friendship— hailing 
him as “an illustrious representative of all 
that is worthiest in The ideal Catholic 
business man.” 

To this the medallist responded first of all 
with a hearty welcome to his assembled 
guests, and then proceeded to express in. a 
most admirable manner his deep -set appre- 
ciation of the honor which he unselfishly 
attributed to his profession- rather than to 
himself. His speech, which is given in full 
elsewhere in this issue of the Scholastic, 
was . indeed a worthy “ tribute of a grateful 

Dr. Patrick J. Timmins, , of South Boston, 
and a personal friend of Mr. Fitzpatrick, in 
behalf of the laity, next replied with senti- 
ments of worth and wisdom. In the 

course of his remarks he took occasion to - . : 

extol the foresight of those who established 
the Laetare Medal, and to eulogize Mr. 
Fitzpatrick for his virtues, and for his 

Perhaps the most unexpected and A'et one 
of the most .-thoroughly enjoyed features of 
the evening was Mr. Michael J. Dwyer’s 
reading of an original sonnet of his own, ; 
a reprint of which we have the honor of 
publishing on our second page this week. 

Some of the reverend gentlemen present 
-were then called upon; Right Rev. Denis 
O’Callaghan, of South Boston, responding 
with a few words appreciative of his friend, 

Mr. Fitzpatrick, followed with a brief 
felicitous address by the Reverend Father 
McGarry, C. S. C., 'of Washington, D. C. 

“The Star Spangled Banner,” rendered by 
the attendant orchestra, marked the close of 
the formal program, after which the guests 
formed in line, and after personalty congrat- 
ulating- their host were introduced to Rev. 
President Morrissey, to whom they then . 
paid their respects. The informal reception 
being ended, refreshments were served, and 
with this the evening’s entertainment closed. 

Decoration Day Exercises. 


Memorial Day is unique in the catalogue 
of national holidays in so far as it is the 
onlv occasion on which our. government 
blends the spirit of patriotism with the 
vital breatli of religion. - On the annual 
celebration of our proto-president’s birthday 
and of our country’s independence we feel 
the warmest esteem and sincerest -gratitude 
for what our forefathers, did to establish 
and safeguard this mighty, progressive and 
ruling republic. The same tongues that; 
then sing . the praises of colonial heroes , 
offer prayers of thanksgiving at the co tu- 
rn en'cement of winter in acknowledgment : 
of the many favors God continualty showers 
upon this land. On the thirtieth dar' of- 
May the heart-strings of lo\ r al Americans 
vibrate with a double accord in the unison 
of religious demonstration and patriotic, 
display. It is indeed proper that one day . 
be set apart to repay with protestations of 
gratitude the price at which so many valiant ; . ... 
heroes purchased the preservation of the ; “ 



Union whose singular privileges we now 
enjoy. • The inestimable debt- can never be 
wholly effaced, but it must needs be honored : 
not Iw the cold expression of an indifferent 
eulogy, but by our suppliant intercession 
to the all-just Rewarder of every deserving- 
deed. Nothing save the invocation of God 
can transcend the tomb and benefit the souls 
of the departed brave. 

It was in the conviction of this Christian 
belief that the Memorial exercises were 
opened at Notre Dame with the Sacrifice of 
the Mass celebrated by the Rev. Stanislaus 
Fitte. From the church the students betook 
themselves to Washington Hall where the 
patriotic element of the festivity was not 
neglected. Notre Dame is distinguished 
above all American universities in having its 
own Grand Army Post — a slowly-thinning 
company that is formed almost entirely of 
members of the Holy Cross Congregation. 
This illustrious band numbered within its 
ranks some of the most renowned chaplains 
that served during the War of Secession. 

What these priests achieved in the camp 
and on the field while performing their 
sacerdotal duties was perhaps equaled by 
the telling fire of their secular confreres, 
many of whom now rest in undisturbed 
slumber in the cross-spotted bivouac, tented 
by the starry blue under which they fought 
the battles of their coiintrv and of their 
God. The eleven crusaders whose survival 
continues the existence of Notre Dame’s 
veteran -post are ably commanded by 
Bro. Leander who holds a merited place in 
the affection of the- students as was recently ^ 
demonstrated when his friends of Corby 
Hall . presented him * with an expensive 

That the boys fully appreciated this 
unwonted, privilege of sitting with such a 
dauntless band of soldiers was clearfy mani- 
fest from their expressive countenance, and 
indicative attitude especially during the 
initial performance, “The Star Spangled Ban- 
ner,” splayed by the University band. The 
succeeding number on the programme was 
the reading- of Governor Hanley’s Memorial 
Proclamation by Air. Kemper. -Then followed 
the national air, “ Columbia, the. Gem of The 
Ocean,” sungjwith a. lusty yoice bythe 
. collective audience. This -being concluded , 

' Air. Jamieson recited, with proj)er force and 

trained expression, the well-known classic, 
Lincoln’s Address at Gettysburg. In contrast 
to this rousing appeal came the pathetic 
and descriptive poem which Air. Clarence 
Kennedy read. His interpretation was 
heartily applauded by the audience, who, in 
turn, sang the impressive, untiring strain: 
“A!v Country, ’Tis of Thee.” 

Captain J. J. Abercrombie’s address, the 
final number delivered in the Opera House, 
was in itself superior to the totality of all 
the others, which is assuredly no mean or 
extravagant praise. His speech is printed 
elsewhere in the Scholastic and stands" on 
its own indisputable merits. The Captain 
had enlisted in the 127th New Yorkers when 
but a boy, and rapidly rose to his high 
position lw dint of that military pluck and 
prowess which made his father the far-famed 
general. If he feels honored in his patriotic 
peerage (far better than chance nobility) we 
can b\ r no means blame him, but rather 
regret all the more keenly that God had 
not spared him his only son to pursue the 
remarkable record. 

Exactly six years ago when Captain 
Abercrombie favored us with a speech in the 
Community cemetery, his d early-beloved son 
read Lincoln’s... Address at Gettysburg. As 
the orator was on the point of commencing 
last Tuesday the remembrance of his docile, 
affectionate and grateful Joseph, pictured 
the angelic face of an absentee to his pater- 
nal e 3 'es vainly scanning the audience, and 
awakened an emotion in his fatherly heart 
that well-nigh choked him. His talk was 
very instructive and /warmly , appreciated in 
particular because it differed so widely from 
the general tenor of Alemorial addresses. He 
exhorted the boys ;to cherish the patriotic 
survivors whose very presence among them 
is an inspiration to all that is beneficial 
to country and meritorious of heaven. In 
eulogizing Father Cooney the speaker paid a 
passing compliment to our journal for which 
we express oiir; grateful n acknowledgment. 
The concluding exercises were the raising of 
the flag and the decoration of the graves 
of our- G. AT R. members while the college 
band played the mournful hymn, .“ Nearer 
My. God ’-t o : Tliee. ’ L C onsery ati ve critics who 
have witnessed * m any I a ; Decoration Day at 
Notre iDanie saytyhatyTnesday’s^ celebration 
was pnty6Lthe45est' ever beld:%-' " H. AL K. 



( Continued from page 541.) * 

had further developed a creed -that in the 
creation and preservation of the American 
Republic the hand of the Almighty appeared 
from first to last; that His will begot it and 
that the consummation of all their efforts 
would be but God’s promise redeemed ; and 
out of their sentient faith in this creed was 
born the Greater America of to-day r . 

It was not the stimulation of industry 
directly (as the result of the war) that 
counted most in the growth of our nation; 
but rather the effect of war training in devel- 
oping captain’s qualities among our citizens. 
Our soldiers were not mere reckless dare- 
devils, but grim, determined men, struggling 
not for war, but for peace; certain that, if 
knowledge brings its sword, knowledge takes 
the sword away. From private up to general 
they learned the arts of command and self- 
repression; they learned adaptability; they 
learned to aim high and win. 

Let the memory of these soldiers and 
patriots who kept your state in liberty and 
protected the institutions that have made 
your republic the educator of the world in' 
true interpretation of freedom and humanity, 
be your care as you go on through life; 
for the nation that cherishes the graves of 
its defenders and assembles to honor them, 
is the nation that preserves and enlarges 
its national life. And you of a later gen- 
eration who stand before me to-day null 
live to see American ideas and American 
civilization dominate the world. To you 
may come the opportunity to follow her 
star of destiny to the furthermost parts of 
the earth. If then you would have your 
nation achieve the life that leads to honor 
and success mark well the lessons of true 
patriotism and high citizenship that perme- 
ate every 7- instruction tendered you by these 
gracious, kindlv men chosen to “Allure you 
to brighter worlds and lead the way.” 

Turn we now to those who sleep around 
ns. We cherish with highest regard the 
fragrant, memory - they leave behind them of 
battles valiantly fought and work well done. 
Americans in. manhood and in brotherhood 
such as were contemplated by the founders 
of our republic, we honor them and mourn 
their passing -from: among * us; not from 
official station, not from great -wealth, not 
from , any of these usual sources of power 

(Let it be an inspiration to you, my boy's ), 
but through the love and confidence they' 
inspired ; through their truth and love of 
justice, and, best of all, through their 
comradeship in the Glorious Army' of the 
“Captain King” and the brotherhood of 
peace and Christian love. 

And your chief counsellor, philosopher and 
guide, who too sleeps here amidst these 
peaceful surroundings wherein he wrought so 
well and dwelt beloved and honored of men. 
Dear Father Corby! — how longingly do we 
recall those sunny summer day's, when all 
the world seemed bright and glad, as side 
by r side we walked and fought the battles 
of our war-time days again in delightful 
reminiscence : 

His ready smile a parent’s warmth exprest. 

Your welfare pleased him, and \-our cares distrest; 

To you his heart, his love, his griefs were given. 

But all. his serious thoughts had rest in heaven. 

Hail and farewell, then, beloved friend and 
comrade, the passing y - ears shall only' serve 
to add gracious harmony to the loving 
memories we hold so dear. 

And on this, a fresher mound so lately^ 
risen in this peaceful city of the dead, 
what wreath from memory’s garden could 
I weave, what chaplet of loving thought 
could I prepare, more tender and complete 
than the eloquent tribute of sympathy r and 
affection that has been tendered by' your 
student body in their journal of scarce three 
weeks ago. In our hearts they' find a loving 
response, and I may but quote the closing 
lines - of Arthur Barrv O’Neill to bid , a 
last fond farewell to dear Father Cooneyq 
Comrade and Friend : 

Full many a soul, the memory will keep 
Of him who in the Lord late fell asleep.' 

In farewell thought,' then, Reverend and 
dear Fathers, young gentlemen of Notre 
Dame, mv bo vs all, let me charge vou : lead 
in kindly friendship and regard along life’s 
narrowing highway this little band of 
comrades who yet abide among you. Cherish 
them graciously and with loving, care, for 
just beyond; clear in the light of the setting 
sun, looms the hither, shore of the Eternal 
Sea. Life’s declining day has already 
enwrapped them -in its fading ray's; soon 
shall it be to-morrow for the last gallant 
comrade — for them and for me:. • ,• ' 

. And with the mom those Angel faces smile 

. Which we, have loved and lost awhile. 



. The Senior Banquet. 

The concluding weeks of every scholastic 
r-ear are noted for their many social 
functions which aim to dispel the sorrow 
of parting friends and to celebrate the 
prolonged adj ournment of college organiza- 
tions. Of all student fraternities there is 
none more prominent nor more cordial than 
the graduating class, which, being welded 
by four years of intimate relations and 
mutual interests, is on the eve of disbanding. 
This brotherly spirit is deeply rooted in the 
class of 1905 and made their final gathering 
all the more significant. In true business 
wise the Seniors met one night to consider 
the question of their banquet, and early the 
following morning had the immediate prep- 
arations perfected. The Senior banquet was 
not only successful beyond the pale of crit- 
icism, but was an added instance of the 
speedy determination and resolute persever- 
ance that characterize the ever -fortunate 
although anomalous band of thirteen. 

With the chiming of the vesper hour the 
unfledged graduates- proceeded towards 
town. And as the appointed time was 
slowly drawing near the restless company 
of banqueters paced about the Turkish room 
of the Oliver Hotel, whetting their appetite 
with eager anticipation. Their dignity — let 
that be the word— would not suffer, them 
to be a second late. A veritable bed of 
carnations graced the board and scented 
the air with the richest fragrance. Nothing 
was wanting to the jovialty and festivity 
save the genial presence of our Very Rev. 
President, Father Morrissey. 

That there was a continued outpour <jf 
humor and laughter may be readily surmised 
when we reflect on the jolty crowd that 
grouped about the round table. An erudite 
pestle-grinder could have informed any T. A. 
of the quantitative analysis of' the first 
course. Those who decry the nomenclature 
of Jacques Bonhomme when confronted with ' 
a French menu rested at ease in the assur- 
ance’ that one of their comrades could give 
^ the Parisian accent to every dish advertised, 

' and, what is more, the obliging monsieur 
never hesitated to supplement his knowledge 
of orthoepy with an ingenious translation. 
Despite their barbarous terminology, the 

viands fully agreed with the epicurean 
feasters. Chicken broth, turkey', vegetables, 
ice-cream, strawberries, dash, and double- 
dash followed one another in rapid 

Then as the “soft blue veil of the vapor” 
began to cloud the atmosphere, Mr. Salmon, . 
President of the class, and toastmaster of 
the occasion, arose to deliver the first of 
the after-dinner speeches. He chose for his 
subject the very fitting quotation: “Speak 
the speech I pray you.” In concluding he 
called uiDon Mr. J. C. O’Neill to respond 
to the toast “Our Future.” The latter 
acquitted himself very creditably, gratifying 
his auditors with flattering prophecies and 
amusing them with mirthful anecdotes. Mr. 
Worden succeeded him with a serious and 
scientific dissertation on art, particularfy 
the prevailing school of art called “impres- 
sionism.” His interesting and instructive 
speech was keenly appreciated and led the 
hearers to anticipate an equally enjoyable 
talk from his classmate, Mr. Clarence J. 

This talented scholar of no mean dramatic 
fame was equal to his comrade’s expecta- 
tions. The Muse of poetry inspired him 
, to. parody the “Boy's” of Oliver Wendell 
Holmes.’ His clever version of that popular 
composition provoked a hearty applause. 
Seer-like he read into the future, foretelling 
the glorious career of the “Bovs of 1905.” 
He sang the praises of his colleague in 
medicine, Mr. Worden; the celebrity of liis 
theatrical rival, Mr. Jamieson ; the exploits 
of the enterprising O’Neill, and in the same 
tone made happy allusions to every'- member 
of the class. 

No sooner had the bard resumed his seat 
than Mr. Stevens arose to profess his grati- 
tude and admiration for all the “Faculty” 
had done for himself arid his fellow-com- 
panions. Thereafter the toastmaster called 
upon Mr. Kemper who, as poet of the class, 
recited a coriiposition written for the 
occasion and expressing his fanciful simile 
on the “Gold and 'Blue.” Mr. Jamieson, the 
official . , chronicler of hard facts, brought 
the assembly back to terra, firm a by sum- 
marizing the “ History of the Thirteen 
Immortals. n : - . . 

In speaking of tlie Seniors’ reunion this 
. session he expressed his sincere regret' for 


tlie absence of Messfs. Cullinan, Sherry and 
Record. Waxing more enthusiastic with the 
recollection of delightful memories he recalled 
the presentation of the flag, rehearsed the 
all-absorbing question of the Easter ’dance, 
spoke of the fitness of a similar function at 
Commencement, and lastly suggested that 
his companions unite in spirit ever}’ 27tli of 
May by sending one another at least a 
postal card. 

The toastmaster deferred all immediate 
discussion by resuming the engaging business 
on hand, and again “set the ball a-rolling” 
with a story he had heard from an Eastern 
collegiate. The incident served as a fitting 
prelude to Mr. Fahy’s well-selected toast 
on “Good Fellows.” As orator of the class' 
and holder of the elocution medal he vindi- 
cated his reputation by his brief, pointed 
and delightful talk on a subject with which 
he was abor r e all able to deal, for all it 
required of him was to make objective his 
own true self. 

Next, the Iiistorv and Economic class 
arose en masse and divined the vacillating 
issue of “Our Future Politics.” The pro- 
spective statesman, Mr. O’Connor, reminded 
his confreres that they were soon to tread " 
another path leading not to the gilded 
dome surmounted bv the statue of’ the 
Blessed Virgin, 'but to a greater dome over- 
spread with the national emblem of which 
the heavenly Mother is the chosen pro- 
-tectress. Not wishing to relinquish his fond 
aspirations to the presidency, he conde- 
scended to leave the opposition to one of 
his comrades; but we would lay no wager 
on the latter’s chances, for Dan is an 
energetic republican. 

Mr. Rayneri who presided over the recent 
Cuban banquet, had ample experience in 
after-dinner oratory, with credit demon- 
strated the benefit lie derived from it in 
responding to the toast “Forward.” His 
speech was in the main characterized by 
his usual traits of precision, brevity and 
force. The drift of his exhortation centred 
about the Miltonic line: “Awake! arise! 
or be forever fallen.” Mr. J. W. O’Neill chose 
for his toast the very fertile topic, “Gleam- 
ings from a Gilded Dome.” He purposed to 
show by- what golden links we are bound 
in an infrangible chain to the endearing 
seat of our four years' life of happiness. 

547; yV V 

Another senior distinguished himself* in the *- 

person of Mr. Trevino whose speech on . • • 

“Friendship” was perhaps the best prepared 
of the day. He recounted the many, advan- 
tages of an amicable relation at college; : 
regretted that his own intimacies must soon • 
discontinue, and assured all that his kindly 
feeling towards them would never diminish , 

by absence nor grow cold by distance. ; 

Last but not least of the orators was : 

the illustrious John R. The considerate Mri v - " 

Voigt fearing that “The Others” were not 
allotted an equitable share of .encomium 
took upon himself the 'responsibility - of , 
equalizing the difference. In his thoughtful- 
ness he even went so far as to toast the 
valedictorian of -another generation whose 
name it would have been superfluous to 
mention. Then, too, John is no misogynist 
and manv a mademoiselle would have sunk - r 
beneath the weight of compliments he - 
heaped upon the weaker sex. His unqualified 
panegyric provoked an answer from Mr. 

Kemper, who, in consequence, had to restore 
the tranquillity of the company by recit- 
ing the ill - starred adventures of an 

Mr. Jamieson seconded this attempt in 
elocution by entertaining the class with the 
difficult selection entitled: “She Wants to 
Learn Elocution.” The recitation of this 
piece won for him the Barry prize a fortnight 
ago and showed with what ease and skill 
he could handle the most complicated and 
diverse parts whether in classical dramas 
or dialectic monologues. His readings from . 
Shakspere were particularly praiseworthy; 
but they were not quite so racy as his • 

interpretation of Robert Burns, inasmuch 
as Mr. Jamieson yras born in Scotland and : ' 

its dialect is as natural to him as it was , , 
to the Ayrshire plowman. 

The climax of the evening came with 
Bernard Fahy’s incomparable recital of 
“The Face on the Bar-Room Floor.” • 
Though he had not seen the poem for many 
months all who heard him on this occasion 
agree in saying that he surpassed himself by- 
far and that he had never before drawn such : - 

a -wealth of feeling out of that pathetic J - 
composition. It was assuredly a worthy end 
to a function that proved a constant source a A 
of growing- amusement to the members of 
the class of 1905. IT. M. K. - - V 


Track Notes. 


The University of Indiana won the State 
Meet held in Bloomington last Saturday. 
Purdue finished second, and Notre Dame 
third. The feature of the meet was the 
work of Sampse of Indiana and Glover of 
Purdue in the pole _ vault. Both men cleared 
11 feet 9 inches. The bar was then raised 
to 12 feet 2 inches, but both failed in the 
attempt to break the world’s record. Glover 
appeared to have the best of it as he 
missed but one try up to 11-9, and that one 
was the first attempt. At 12-2 he went 
above the bar in his third attempt, but came 
down upon it and pulled it off. 

Sage of Purdue and Draper of Notre Dame 
each broke the record in the discus. Sage 
hurled it 121 feet 7 inches and Draper 120 
feet 3 inches. Sampse of Indiana came within 
a quarter of an inch of the state record in 
the high jump, clearing the bar at 5 feet 
9 Yo inches. Verner of Purdue was the highest 
point winner of the meet, and this year was 
easily the “star.” He won all three of the 
distance runs; breaking the record in the 
half-mile, -which was really the best race 
of the day. In this event Keefe ran second 
and forced Verner to smash the record to 
win, the time being 2:01 1-5, as before it 
was 2:01 3-5. Keefe took the lead and ran 
the best race of his life. He led up to the 
last sixty yards, then Verner who had 
been running second crawled up and finally 
passed him, coming in about four ior- five 
feet ahead of Keefe -who finished in 2:01 4-5. 

“right,” as he limped when going at full 
speed . He won his heat in the high hurdles 
and also in the lowv But the heat and 
semi-final of the hundred had his ankle in 
a bad way for the final heat of the high 
hurdles which he lost to Seward of Indiana; 
and Buckley of Indiana beat him out for 

Scales won second in his heat in the high 
hurdles, won the semi-final, and was in the 
lead when fie fell, over the third hurdle in 
the finals. Even though he might not have 
won, he would have surety been placed. 
His work in the high hurdles for this his 
first year is good, and is certainty full of 
promise for the future. Coad won his heat 
in the 220-yard dash, but i'an out of his 
lane and was disqualified. 

Draper won the .shot put, shoving out the 
weight for forty-one feet three inches; won 
second in the discus, and third in the high 
and low hurdles, making ten points in all. 
O’Shea ran second in the quarter, and Keefe 
second in the half, and to these three men we 
owe our sixteen points in the meet. 

Keefe’s race puts him in a class with the 
best half-milers in the country and in another 
year he will do two minutes. 

100-yard dash— Joseph, Indiana, first ; Kcrcheval, 
Indiana, 2d; Lee, Rose Polytechnic, 3d. Time, 0:10 2-5. 

120-yard hurdles — Seward, Indiana, first; Buckley, 
Indiana,, 2d; Draper, Notre Dame, 3d. Time, 0:16 3-5. 

Discus throw — Sage, Purdue, first; Draper, Notre 
Dame, 2d ; Banks, Indiana, 3d. Distance, 121 feet 7 
inches. Old record, 117 feet. v 

One-mile run — Verner, Purdue, 1st; Rutledge, Purdue, 
2d; Barclay', Indiana, third. Time, 4:36 4-5. 

440-yard run — Thompson, Indiana, first; O’Shea, 
Notre Dame, second; Tillette, Purdue, third. Time, 
0:51 2-5. Breaks state record of 0:52 3-5. 

In the quarter-mile another state record 
was upset ; Thompson going the distance 
in :51 2-5 and breaking 'the old record of 
:52 3-5. O’Shea of Notre Dame ran second, 
and although Thompson defeated him by 
a good margin,, O’Shea easily out-classed 
the rest of the field and ran the fastest he 
has ever , gone in liis life. . 

Ill the last two years, Draper has without 
any- trouble, been' the “star” all-around 
man, and, this . year the . same was conceded 
to him ; , and. had his ankle permitted . him 
to. do anything near what he is .. capable 
of doingj he would undoubtedly have . added 
another ' medal , to his list. It. was evident 
from the start that he was anything but 

Shot put — Draper, Notre Dame, first; Banks, Indiana, 
second ; Ray, Indiana, third. Distance, 41 ft. 3 inches. 

High jump — Sampse, Indiana, first; Miller, Indiana; 
Clark, Purdue, and Dappricli, Purdue, tied for second. 
Height, 5 feet 9M> inches. 

Half-mile run — Verner, Purdue, first; Keefe, Notre 
Dame, second ; Thompson, Indiana, 3d. Time, 2:01 1-5. 

16-fb hammer throw—' Thonias, Purdue, first; Banks, 
Indiana, 2d ;. Hurley, Purdue, 3d. Distance, 156 ft. 2 in. 
. 220-yard dash— Turk,. Rose Polytechnic, first; Joseph, 
Indiana, 2d; Kcrcheval, Indiana, 3d. Time, 0:22 4-5. 

. Pole vault— Sampse, Indiana; and Glover, Purdue, tied 
for 1st; Van Dorman,' Purdue, 3d. pleight, 11 feet 9 in. 

Broad jump— Turk, Rose Polytechnic, first ; Kcrcheval, 
Indiana, 2d ; Sparks, Wabash, 3d. ; Distance, 22 ft. 1 in. 

Two-mile run— -Verner, Purdue, first; 1 Reed, Wabash, 
second; 'McKinney,'.. Wabash, ;tliird. Time, 10:33. 

220-y r ard hurdles— Buckley', Indiana, first; Seward, 
Indiana, 2dj Draper, Notre Dame,- 3d. Time, 0:26 4-5.